Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is It About Me?

Sitting contemplating... What if it is about me? It is so not about me, but so very much about me all at the same time. What if every life moment I have had has led up to here, where I am. I do believe that. That I would not be where I am today if I had not walked the path of yesterday. The path has been beautiful, exciting, hard, breathless and heart breaking. I could probably use every descriptive word in the English language and each would apply to my life. I am where I am today because of yesterday.

Sometimes I wonder if the struggles of yesterday have been there with the sole purpose to set us up for today. At least that could put a purpose to our experiences. I am really starting to believe that we needed to be where we are, not for us, but for our kids. It's not about me. My children are being raised in a community that loves and supports them. Our school is small enough that every face is familiar and many are friendly acquaintances and some friends. This is where we need to be, there is power in knowing those around you. We are enveloped in love.

Still though, it could be entirely about me. I've been tired, I haven't always been 100%. I can get my priorities mixed up and then there I am, forgetting what is most important. I've been contemplating and adjusting and I think I'm onto sometime. I am still a complete work in progress. But now is the time to stand up and take claim. It's time to claim what has been lost, where I have failed I claim victory, and I will march onto tomorrow. I am done with today and yesterday and tomorrow is a day of victory. I will sing a new song, I will forget what is past. 

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12 

This is the verse I proclaim over my family today. This is who we are. We are God's children and we will not be defeated. We will stand on our faith and we will go out in joy and peace. Whatever battles we face we will march in confidence because we have already won. We will dance into battle because it is not ours to fight. We fight from our knees and dance in our spirits. We are Farr's. And if it is about me, after all, then this is how I lead.

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