Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In To Deep

Do you ever have those seasons where you get so caught up in everything and then you realize, "oh no! I got in to deep!". Tonight is the first night in awhile that I haven't been able to get to sleep. I thought I was doing a pretty good job in the last couple of months and now I'm seeing I did it again. The problem is when my focus shifts outside my four walls. I'm not saying that I don't know what's going on or have no life outside my four walls, but it's a matter of doing too much, focusing on to many things. The reality is that my little family is about all I can focus on if I want to keep the peaceful loving environment that is best for us all.

These last few days I've been doing exactly what I'm supposed to do. I have not over committed myself and as a result we've had some amazing days. But when I glanced at the calendar I felt the dread of commitments. It's hard to admit but I love my kids better when I'm not over committed because overcommitment makes me less of a mother, I cannot go so many directions and do it well. I realize that that should be a simple thing to see but for some reason it has always slipped past my brain. I do love to go and do things and see people but either I've always been an introvert or I have turned into one in my "old age". Either way, overcommitment is not a good thing for me.

My goal in life is to do it well, but if I cannot respect who I am than I can never succeed in doing life well. If I do not respect who I am I cannot teach my children to respect who they are, how God uniquely created and made them. I want nothing more than for my children to know who they are, to be confident in themselves and in our God. When I am worrying about what happens next I don't take the time to sit with the kids in the morning over their breakfast and do our devotions. I do not engage with them the same way, I am distracted. I go through the motions but the heart isn't there, they may not notice that the heart is missing, but I know that soon they will be old enough that they will recognize when I'm just going through the motions. I just want to say too, it's ok if you're just going through the motions because eventually the heart will catch up and you'll realize that something is a little off, sometimes the motions is all you can do... That's just not where I am today.

I honestly could never have put a finger on what I'm saying until I was laying in bed tonight freaking out. I realized that this is what keeps me awake at night, overcommitment. And trying to keep everybody around me happy. I've kept people out of my life the last few days and it's been wonderful. Sorry, it's the brutal truth and it's nothing personal. I've just finally recognized that I cannot be everything to everyone. Unfortunately this means that I've gotta make some tough decisions and have some heart talks because I've gotten myself in to deep. I also am so thankful for all the people that love me and are so gracious with me. One of those people is my poor mother, I had to reschedule our day together that we've been trying to figure out since January or February. I am also so very thankful for her because I know that she's not holding it to my account, that she loves me despite my many flaws, one of which I just figured out tonight on yet another sleepless night. She understands how hard it is to balance a family.

Balancing a family is hard work. It is not something that gets easier as they get older, at least not in this stage of our lives. I relish in the fact that next year I will consistently get two whole hours to myself once a week. I also have this sneaky feeling that those two hours will be stolen up if I don't guard them like the gold that I see them to be. I have a feeling that even when I guard them with my life it will often be interrupted with the needs of those around me, namely my children!

If there is anything this year has taught me it is that you never know what is going to happen. You don't know what is going to happen next year, next month, next week, tomorrow or even an hour from now (I'm really hoping to fall asleep, but no guarantees). This is why I have to make those hard decisions, that is why I have to prioritize, to say no to good things, to have hard talks because I've over committed myself. This is my life. I stumble my way through, I make mistakes, I get wrapped up in the excitement and forget that I cannot do everything because I only have so much energy and what energy I give outside these four walls takes something away from my first calling, which is to be a good wife to my husband and loving mother to my children.

It's time to take a deep breath. It's time to settle into my nest and really look. Time is so short, a day often feels like but a whisper when I look at my children's sleeping faces. I need to look at my life and see what matters most and let my actions match. This has been a learning year for me. I've learned that there are things that I am just not meant to do and other things that bring unmeasurable joy to my life. There are also things that are just not right for this time in my life, maybe they will be later, but not today and that is ok. My heart has grown and opened up in ways I never thought possible a year ago. I am beyond content with my life. I also know that if I want to stay in that place of contentment I need to learn to say no more because it is the when a thousand things pull me in a thousand directions that I reach that place of exhaustion and exhaustion leaves room for nothing else. So tonight I am awake, but I know that tomorrow I will sleep.

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