My sons favorite song right now is "Where I Belong". One of his first favorite songs was "I Can Only Imagine". He also has had pop favorites too, don't get me wrong. But those two are the ones that have stuck, he wants to talk about, asks questions about. It made me think tonight, as I'm trying to fall asleep, how we are such spiritual beings. We are born with the innate desire for something more, the knowledge that there is more for us out there. And we are born to worship. You don't have to teach a child how to be joyful, how to smile, how to dance. They just know, they come by it naturally.
Why should this be so surprising to me as I'm laying there in bed. I'm not surprised really, just thoughtful. We are after all made in the image of God. Is it surprising that we desire to know our maker as a child desires to know their parents? Does he not call himself our Father?
Yet, it still amazes me to watch my children. To see the innocence we are born with, our natural pull toward the spiritual. The world so pulls us in the opposite direction and it happens so young and so gradually that one day we are an adult amazed at the depth & understanding a child can have of spiritual things. But really we should be shocked at our own understanding of life, the world... We were after all not made to be like the world, we were set apart, in God's image.
Isn't that why sometimes we struggle as adults? We feel we do not fit or we can be lonely, we desire more. Often we misinterpret what that desire is, we think we're missing something here, but really we're missing that spiritual link. We are needing more, what we don't know, until we remember that we are indeed spiritual beings. We don't belong here, we were made for another world, we were made to commune with our maker, father, savior, friend. Adam and Eve walked with God, literally. Yeah, something is missing. Take this world, give me Jesus, nothing else satisfies this void in me.
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