Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's

I'm not really a New Year's Resolution kind of person... I don't know what I am, I do regularly set goals for myself, or at least think of things I want to work on. I seem to have seasons of growth in one area or another. So maybe I'm a season person, not a resolution person. But this year maybe I'll give it a try. And I'm going to start small, since when I try to take on the world it rarely happens.

Resolution #1  Have a Monthly Date Night... Yeah, monthly seems like waay to little, but let's be honest, in the past year it hasn't happened. So, I'm starting small. If we can do it this year, maybe next year we can have a date night twice a month!

Resolution #2  Take 3+ Hours to Myself a Month... Once again, small goal. But I have severe mommy guilt when I take time to myself, even though I know I desperately need it! My problem is that I can too easily see it from somebody else's point of view & other people always seem to have it harder than me, even if I'm on the edge of going crazy, chances are I know somebody who is even closer to crazy than me! So, I'm think a solid 3+ hours to myself a month is a good start, I don't need to feel bad about taking care of myself, but I probably still will!

Resolution #3   Take More Pictures...  I always seem to go on in waves. Sometimes I take a lot of pictures then I won't take any for weeks. I think I'm going to try that whole take one picture a day thing... Granted I won't beat myself up if I don't get it done, but it kinda sounds fun, maybe think of some different pictures to take... Maybe I'll add save for a better camera to this goal, I always miss the best pictures because my camera is too slow.

Resolution #4   Spend 2 Hours Alone with Each Kid a Month...  My kids are awesome, but they're even more fun when you spend time with them alone. You can do things that you can't usually do when you're attention is split 3 different ways. So I want to do "dates" with my kids. Again, we're starting small.

I guess this year is a year of starting small. It seems to be my theme. But I can do small and honestly I think I'm just coming out of the "mommy fog." If you're a mommy you know what mommy fog is. It takes awhile to get out of survival mode, and I think it's done in stages. This is the year where I get my butt back in gear & on top of things. And let's face it, it's a lot easier to say it in a blog post than actually do it! So, it may be simple, but it's also probably doable! Happy New Year's everybody!!!

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