I've been trying to think over the last month, what am I really thankful for. I am thankful for many things, especially the obvious! So, lets get deeper. What does it boil down to?
I figured it out, as I was cleaning my kitchen at midnight... Faith. I am most thankful for faith. I have had many times in my life where I could have looked around & given up. I have had many loses, disappointments & hurts. But in it all I have never lost faith. I have had moments that I've been sad, mad, hysterical, and not understood & even questioned the emphasis why? But in all of that I have never questioned if my God was faithful. I think the Lord gave me the greatest blessing in giving me an unwavering faith. I do not say that lightly, and I know in saying that I'm sure to have many more times of having that very faith tested, but I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that my God is faithful.
I think that faith is what has brought be through so much. It's that faith that despite all the trials we have gone through in the last few years, I can look and see that my marriage has only gotten stronger. Where many people would turn on their spouses we have grown to love & appreciate each other more. It's my faith that has kept me dependent on my Lord instead of the people & things of this world. I am no saint and an always growing in this area, made a lot of mistakes, don't get me wrong! If you want examples or want to know, feel free to ask, I'm not afraid to share!
I don't know how I got this gift of faith. I believe it was given to me by God, because it doesn't make sense to me how in so many storms I have never wavered. I know throughout my life I have prayed for child-like faith, it's something that has always stood out to be from the time I was little in Sunday school. Maybe because I was a child... When I had my first child, Dominic, I had my first real real illustration of this child-like faith. Dominic was about a year old and he's climbing the stairs, playing, he turns around doesn't even stop to see if I'm watching him & jumps. He jumps & I caught him. He didn't question if his mama was gonna catch him, he just jumped. He knew I would, because well, when hadn't I caught him? He knows I love him & that I won't let him fall. And that is what child-like faith is. It's jumping without questioning if God is going to catch you...
No, life isn't going to be easy. You are going to fall down, sometimes you have to fall a little to learn that maybe you shouldn't hop down the stairs on one foot. Does that mean that your father isn't catching you? No, it means he's letting you see what your limits are, so you can learn that maybe jumping down the stairs on one foot isn't such a good idea. He told you, but you just had to see for yourself. So now you have a little bruise, your daddy gives you a hug, wipes away your tears & tells you that it's going to be alright.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the gift of faith. Because I know that even when I fall, He will pick me up, wipe away my tears & tell me He loves me and that everything will be alright.
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